The Coherent Life: Ideas! Ideas! Ideas! by Jim Risser

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ideas! Ideas! Ideas!

by Jim Risser

Brainstorming and mind maps are tools used to generate ideas on your own or in a group. With these tools we want to think of anything and everything. No idea is too ridiculous since it might trigger a genius idea.

I found mind mapping to be helpful at times. I learned mind mapping when I started to get serious about college. I realized that I needed to learn how to learn.  So I did research about how to study. Mind mapping links bubbles of ideas together like a spiderweb.

Mostly I just brainstorm on the computer, making an outlined list. I like outlining because of its simple, ordered format.  In Word it's easy to tab to add sub-thoughts, related ideas, and references. It's almost like mind mapping in the sense that you are linking ideas.

Recent research on brainstorming found that more ideas were generated when participants brainstormed on their own and shared their ideas later. So it's up to you to come up with ideas. You have to come up with your own system for creating ideas and solutions.

Brainstorming is like the worldwide web - you don't know where you'll end up. You start a search for "homes" and an hour later you're reading about the meaning of colors. Just like the "worldwide" web, there are no borders in brainstorming. Let the ideas flow from you. Free associate. No idea is a bad idea.

Be open minded to the radical, impractical, and crazy. How many impassible ideas have been become reality. You never know. Look at geniuses who have succeeded when others called them nuts. Suspend judgement and just write that idea down. You will judge your ideas in the next step. This is the time to have fun and go wild.

Sometimes I'll  sketch out ideas with paper and pen. Or I'll make a computer graphic. Some problems demand that we draw plans, create pictures, or make models. I've always admired the work of model railroaders. I love the detail and realism of their modeling.

How you come up with ideas is up to you. Some people already have their own systems to generate ideas. Those who need a system should try brainstorming, mind mapping, and anything else that could help.  But ultimately it's your own system.

Remember the "E" in DICTATE is for Enjoy. Generating ideas is a chance to enjoy the problem solving process.

Have fun!

Next: It's Time To Choose

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