The Coherent Life: Life, give me more! by Jim Risser

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Life, give me more!

by Jim Risser

"Life, give me more!"

That's my motto; "Life, give me more!"

"More what?" you might ask.  More of life, of course.  More of it's ups and downs.  More of the problems, heartache, and hardship.  More of the joys, elations, and good times.  More life.

I was in my early twenties when I first developed this motto.  There was an incident where my heart was broken and I suffered greatly.  I don't remember the details, but the heartache was long remembered.  Somewhere in that experience I had an epiphany: I was always going to encounter heartache and problems in my life; I could either let problems beat me or I could change my attitude towards problems.

"Life, give me more!" is about staring down life and saying, "I can handle any problem that life throws at me." It is the attitude of extreme confidence that you can handle anything, you can survive anything, you can overcome anything. "Life, give me more!" is an attitude of that you can win!

How do I know this?  One reason is human history, full of examples of people who have overcome great sufferings and ordeals.  That power to overcome is inherent in all of us.  Another reason I know that I can handle anything that life throws at me, is because of my faith.  Another name for faith is hope.  Faith, hope, and optimism allow me to survive life. One more reason I know I can handle is that I have experience overcoming life. I have handled.  I have survived.  I have won.

What does it mean to win over life?  It doesn't mean you'll never have problems again.  Life is problems.  Problems are drops of water in the ocean of life; they are one in the same. You will always have problems for as long as you live.

To win over life is to confront it with confidence and joy. Be eager, be ready, and be joyful as you encounter life's problems.  Have the confidence that you can overcome.  Things may not always come your way.  Problems might get worse or never solved. But you will survive.  You will survive life's problems.

Have confidence, hope, and joy as you go through life.  When you are presented with a problem say, "Alright Life, I'm ready.  I asked for more and you gave me more.  I can handle this.  I can survive.  I will win!"

Next:  DICTATE - Problem Solving Tool

(c) Jim Risser/Kava Java LLC

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